Life Sciences Learning Center: Animations

Creator: University of Rochster Medical Center | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

View animations about complex cellular processes either online or by downloading to your computer. Click on the picture to view and follow the simulation. Click on "Download movie" to download the movie for MAC or PC. There are several topics, some of which include "Bacterial Homeostasis and Tooth Decay," "DNA and Genetic Disorders," "Cellular Respiration," and others.

In the Classroom

Use this resource to review concepts that have been learned in a biology class such as photosynthesis, cellular respiration, protein synthesis, or electrophoresis. Give students time to view the animations and create study notes for each part of the process that is happening. For example, have teams of students create the script for the scene unfolding in each slide of the movie. Team members could share the work using a tool such as Crocodoc <a href="/single.cfm?id=7719">reviewed here</a> to create the script. Create a glossary of terms that need to be known to understand the process. Create a concept map either using conventional or digital means to outline the major points of the process and the similarities or differences that occur between each of the processes. Use a tool such as <a href="/single.cfm?id=1207">reviewed here</a>). rn<br><br>rnProvide time for students to generate questions from the information they still do not understand or to create quiz questions to check for understanding following the viewing of the resource. You might want them to use Quiz Snack (<a href="/single.cfm?id=12204">reviewed here</a>) to create online polls or surveys with their classmates to see who has the answers to the questions they still have.

At Home

Find help for these tough biology concepts here using simple animations. Use this resource to review concepts that have been learned in biology such as photosynthesis, cellular respiration, protein synthesis, or electrophoresis. Have your student view the animations and create study notes for each part of the process that is happening.


dna, cells, photosynthesis, respiration, animation, genetics,


Biology/Life Science, Chemistry, Science,