Learn With News

Creator: Learn With News | visit site

Grade Range: 2 - 8

Learn With News is a site from the United Kingdom that shares current event articles, each written at three different reading levels. Each article also highlights difficult words and features correlating activities, including vocabulary practice, conversation questions, some with videos, and more. If searching by specific levels, use the tabs on the page to sort resources into any of the three levels. Scroll through the home page to view the articles starting with the most recent or use the search feature to find information using specific terms. Because this site is from the UK, some words will contain spelling that is different than the United States version.

In the Classroom

Although created with English language learners in mind, this site is a valuable resource for any current events lessons and as a resource for non-fiction reading materials. Bookmark this site for use with any current events lessons and as a resource for finding fact-based information to use to help understand modern history. Use technology tools to help students organize their thinking and share their questions and responses. Engage students by asking them to share their opinions and encourage discussions using FlipGrid, <a href="/single.cfm?id=17677">reviewed here</a>. Ask students to respond to the discussion question within Flipgrid using their fact-based research. Use Flipgridā€™s comment feature to encourage collaboration and student discussion. Extend learning by asking students (or student groups) to research information found in the articles, then share their findings through a multimedia presentation that includes student writing, videos, maps, and infographics. Have students use a presentation tool such as Sway, <a href="/single.cfm?id=16373">reviewed here</a>, or Adobe Spark for Education, <a href="/single.cfm?id=18378">reviewed here</a>, to share their final projects.

At Home

Use this site to share informative articles with your student on a variety of different current events topics. Because this site is from the United Kingdom, it also includes information not readily available to those in the United States, making it an excellent resource for sharing and discussing world events.


politics, journalism, news, differentiation,


Current Events, Government/Civics: U.S, Health, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies,