Learn and Think about Robots

Creator: Rich Hooper | visit site

Grade Range: 2 - 8

"Danger, Will Robinson!" When I hear robots that is what I think about. Move your students’ perception of robots being portrayed in TV and movies to one where the realization of their use in all facets of life prevails. Choose from a variety of topics such as Entertainment, Research, Military, and more to view pictures and read about the various robots and their jobs. Consult the glossary to understand the words used on the site.

In the Classroom

Allow groups of students to read about a specific type or application of robot. Create a class discussion over these uses to determine why robots are better at some tasks and why they would be chosen. Assign a task where students will choose a chore that a robot should replace for them, their family, or somewhere in society. What characteristics would the robot have? What needs to be considered in the design of it? Write a story about life in the future and the role that robots would play. Design a sketch and description of a robot and then create an ad that would be used to publicize its work and usefulness. Research various areas of the work forces (such as medicine) to determine how robots have been used both in the past and the present. Create a class wiki on robots for students to share their findings and opinions. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries – check out the <a href="/content/wiki/">TeachersFirst’s Wiki Walk-Through</a>.

At Home

Are robots fascinating for your student? Find some incredible pictures and information on this site.



