Landmark Shark

Creator: EMGames | visit site

Grade Range: 2 - 6

This site presents median, mode, and range in an engaging way (using playing cards and SHARKS). After detailed audio instructions, students are ready to "play." You can click "Skip Directions" if you have visited before. Students are dealt 5 cards; they are able to exchange up to 3 cards to try to improve their score. Students are asked various questions about the cards (find the mean of the 5 cards, what is the mode, what is the range between the highest and lowest, and others). This is an excellent resource to practice these challenging concepts.rn<br><br>rnWhile this activity is FREE, there are other activities at this site for a FEE. This site requires Adobe Shockwave. You can get it from the <a href="/tools.cfm ">TeachersFirst Toolbox page.</a>

In the Classroom

Share the introduction on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then allow students to navigate this site on their own. This is a wonderful addition to a unit on average, mean, mode, etc. Why not have students create their OWN similar challenge on a class wiki. Have groups take turns asking and answering questions on the class wiki. Not sure what a wiki is? Check out the <a href="/content/wiki/">TeachersFirst’s Wiki Walk-Through</a>.

At Home

If your student is struggling to understand mean, median, mode, etc.. Check out this site together for some extra practice.


median, mean, mode,

