
Creator: Knoema | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

This easy to use site is a large collection of maps and data sets for access by the public. Find maps, data, and charts for almost all countries. Choose from data categories that include Per Capita Income, Government Debt, Housing, Energy Consumption, Agricultural Production, and more. Select a data set to view. Choose the available countries from the drop-down. Export, download, or embed the data into your blog or site. Peruse community boards for information on statistics and apps for sharing (Facebook and Twitter) on Knoema. Upload data and create presentations and pages with the data simply and easily. Find tutorials about all you can do with Knoema here.

In the Classroom

Use in Social Studies or World Cultures to compare economic indicators of countries. Create data sets and visualizations of environmental data around the world. Use data in the writing of papers or creation of presentations on the country statistics such as GDP or exported goods. Trying to find meaningful data to include in an infographic? Knoema has it! Math teachers can use data sets for practice activities with statistics.

At Home

Find relevant and up to date information of a variety of categories about countries around the world with this simple to use site. Your teen can use this data for reports or for practice working with statistics and data visualization.


charts and graphs, maps, data, countries, statistics,


Biology/Life Science, Current Events, Economics, Geography (US/World), Government/Civics: U.S, Math, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, TeachersFirst Edge,