KidRex - Kid Safe Search Engine

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Grade Range: - 6

KidRex is an engaging, safe search engine for students that is powered by Google Custom Search and Google SafeSearch technology. In addition to typical filters applied to searches, the site maintains its own database of inappropriate websites and keywords to further reduce the possibility of inappropriate search returns. The search engine is easy to use and similar to a typical Google search. You simply enter the search term and a list of sites is returned. Inappropriate search terms are returned with an "Oops, try again!" message. Before using the site, be sure to click on the Parents link for a quick overview of how the site works.

In the Classroom

Create a link to KidRex on classroom computers for students to use as a default search engine. Use this site on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) to demonstrate how to search for items or when searching with your students.

At Home

Create a link to this site on your computer’s desktop or make it your homepage for your student to use to ensure safer web surfing.


internet safety, search engines,


American History, Computer Literacy, Current Events, Economics, English, Geography (US/World), Government/Civics: U.S, History & Culture: World, Information Literacy/Research, Language Arts, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, Writing,