Creator: Accredited Schools Online | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
This guide, part of the larger site titled Accredited Schools Online, helps students with learning disabilities and their parents better understand their rights and responsibilities regarding postsecondary education. Organized as one lengthy page of useful tips, information includes choosing an online accredited college or university program that best suits a student’s needs, financial aid advice, and links to other helpful sites. Specific school searches may be done elsewhere on the sponsoring site once you register. Other areas of the larger website include advice for the hearing and visual impaired.
In the Classroom
Guidance counselors and teachers, particularly intervention specialists, will find this a helpful place to share with students and their parents although information is very basic. The larger sponsoring site includes higher education selection advice for all students. Use this resource with individual students or in group settings, perhaps at a college and career night, or as part of a newsletter or other resource geared to high school students and their parents.
At Home
Parents will find this a helpful starting point to share with their students since information is very basic. The larger sponsoring site includes higher education selection advice for all types of students, but users must register to receive information about specific schools and programs.
Special Needs, learning disability, disabilities, careers, college,