Higher Bitesize Revision - Algebra

Creator: BBC | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Created by the BBC, this website offers higher-level algebra information and practice activities for algebra students ages 16+. Some of the information would be useful in pre-algebra classes also. Specific algebraic topics include <i> Function, Polynomials, Recurrence Relations, Quadratic Theory, &amp; Logarithms </i>. Each topic includes a link to review activities (referred to as "Revise" on this British website) and online practice tests. rn<br> <br>rnThe website includes Learner Guides to assist teachers, parents, and students in navigating the site, and about specific difficult concepts. Since this site was created by the UK, Americans may notice some slight language differences. Much of the information is available in a printable format.

In the Classroom

Be sure to list this link on your class website, so students can use the information to review and practice at home. In the classroom, use an interactive whiteboard or projector to share the information and take the online test together. The <i> Revise </i> activities could be used as an anticipatory set for a new lesson or a review prior to a test. Have students try their hands at the online test using individual computers. If individual computers aren’t available, print out the tests and send them home for additional practice.

At Home

Use this website to help your student better prepare for the Algebra test.


polynomials, factoring, exponents, equations,


Algebra, Math,