Healthy Relationship Middle School Educators Toolkit

Creator: Love is Respect | visit site

Grade Range: 4 - 8

This 25-page booklet provides a guide for middle school educators for teaching about violence and domestic abuse. Information includes guidelines for distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy relationships along with warning signs of abuse. Also, this guide provides suggestions for helping students in unhealthy relationships.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the information shared in this free booklet for use in classroom lessons on violence or during counseling sessions. Create a link to this booklet on your class website for parents to access. Several portions in the booklet include scenarios and questions for discussions. Challenge student groups to create weekly podcasts addressing common social issues along with suggestions for dealing with them. Podcast Generator, <a href="/single.cfm?id=17654">reviewed here</a>, offers free tools for podcasting.

At Home

Save this site for use at home as a resource for dealing with issues that may arise at school or in your student’s personal life.


conflict resolution, school violence,


Careers & Guidance, Parent Information, Professional,