Creator: Google | visit site
Grade Range: 4 - 8
Google CS First is a program for clubs to increase access and teach computer science to 4th-8th-grade students. All training and materials are free for anyone in the U.S. Materials offer lessons based on themes such as storytelling, sports, social media, friends, and fashion and design. In addition to lesson materials, Google CS provides online training information for club leaders. If you are participating in Hour of Code, be sure to see their many one hour offerings.
In the Classroom
Create a club in your classroom as part of your STEM activities, as a lunch/recess club, or an at-home activity for students. Use the flyers and presentation materials provided to create interest in the club. Differentiate clubs by student interests and abilities. Share Google CS First with your school’s media or tech leader as an excellent resource for teaching coding. This site is perfect for those who want to learn more about coding, but have some hesitancy since all materials from creating a group through the lessons are free. If you still have some doubts, enlist the services of a tech-savvy high school student to help with activities as part of their volunteering requirements.
At Home
If your student is interested in coding, but not receiving lessons at school, this is perfect for you. Gather a group of his friends together and create your own after-school coding club using materials from this site. Volunteer to teach an after-school program at your student’s school, or help in the classroom with these lessons. Advocate to bring these lessons to your student’s school using materials provided on the site such as flyers and presentation information.
critical thinking, problem solving, coding, stories and storytelling, digital storytelling, animation, gamification, musical notation, sports, social media, computational thinking,
Careers & Guidance, Computer Literacy, Science, TeachersFirst Edge,