
Creator: Concord Consortium | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Run genetic experiments by choosing genotypes and phenotypes while predicting outcomes and observing the actual results. This tool models genetic principles and is a simulation to show genetics and the process of meiosis. This activity specifies that it should be done using the Chrome web browser, though it <i>appears</i> to work in Firefox, as well.

In the Classroom

Use the simulations as a preview activity to generate questions about the models used. Use to discuss major vocabulary and content needed for understanding of meiosis and genetics. Introduce content and use this resource to create a simulation lab that reinforces the content and engages students into predicting outcomes and creating explanations.

At Home

Use this simulation to reinforce genetic concepts and practice determining the probability of various genetic crosses.


meiosis, genetics,


Biology/Life Science, Science,