Creator: National Institutes of Health | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
An online resource for understanding the basics of genetics research, as well as related topics such as the Human Genome project and Gene therapy treatments. A good site for High School Biology classes. There is also an interactive children’s cartoon helpful for introducing the topic for younger students.
In the Classroom
Start out with this site on your interactive whiteboard or with a projector and the introduction pointing out the list of topics to explore. Ask all students to explore The Genetic Basics noting important information and questions they may have with Memo Notepad, <a href="/single.cfm?id=18083"> reviewed here</a>; tell students to be sure to save the URL to share their notes and questions with you and their peers. Once students have a basic understanding of genes have small groups investigate the other topics continuing with taking notes or organizing the information using an online concept map such as MindMup, <a href="/single.cfm?id=14407">reviewed here</a>, to use in a final presentation. For the final assessment challenge student groups to present their topic to their peers using an interactive poster creator like Adobe Spark for Education, <a href="/single.cfm?id=18378">reviewed here</a>.
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