
Creator: EverFi and MassMutual Foundation | visit site

Grade Range: 5 - 8

FutureSmart is an interactive personal finance course designed for students in grades 6-8. The three and a half hour course correlates to National Standards and covers a variety of topics including budgeting, goal-setting, and planning for the future. Enroll using your school email address to register students and access your dashboard that includes student reports and supplemental materials. Be sure to download the information sheet that includes additional details about all available features.

In the Classroom

Incorporate FutureSmart into your flipped classroom, assign different modules as homework. If integrating technology use in your classroom, try using an online bulletin board tool like Dotstorming, <a href="/single.cfm?id=16997">reviewed here</a>, to have students post important decisions they made as mayor while advising citizens about their finances. Then discuss their decisions together in class. Allow students to make comments on the bulletin board during this discussion time, so all students will have a chance to express their opinions. Have students create a personal budget (or work in pairs to create an annual classroom budget) at the end of the course. Challenge students to create a presentation sharing what they learned using an interactive infographic like Infogram, <a href="/single.cfm?id=13408">reviewed here</a>.

At Home

Share this course with your middle school or high school student as an excellent introduction to financial planning. Work together to create a budget plan for your son or daughter.


financial literacy, money, game based learning,


Economics, Family and Consumer Science, Math, Social Studies, Social Studies,