Creator: Math4Children | visit site
Grade Range: - 6
This site offers many math games, videos, and worksheets for grades preschool through 7th. Games are classified by grade level and concept. Most games offer fun titles for students such as Fling the Teacher and Walk the Plank. Also offered on the site is a large bank of downloadable worksheets sorted by grade level. Worksheets are in PDF format. Video explanations are also offered for many math skills such as number skills, time, and measurement. Searches can be made by specific format such as video, games or downloads or by grade level. <b>This site does include simple advertisements</b>. Scroll down to get past them and find the actual games.
In the Classroom
Introduce math concepts on your interactive whiteboard or projector with the videos provided on the site. Create a link to games or videos on classroom or computer lab videos for math practice. Print worksheets for at-home practice or review. Challenge students to create their own video explaining math concepts. Share the videos on a site such as SchoolTube (<a href="/single.cfm?id=9437">reviewed here</a>).
At Home
Use this site as a resource for practicing math skills or review information of topics taught in class.