Creator: KQED Education | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
Financial Literacy Resources offers financial lessons targeted for English language learners. However, this is an excellent unit for any student to learn about money management! Topics include managing money, credit, debt, banking, and more delivered through six lesson plans. Each lesson features new media tools such as a budget builder calculator and an online writing interactive. Click on any lesson plan to view in PDF format for easy printing. Note: at the time of this review several of the interactive activities didn’t work; however, the lessons and other information available on the site make this worth considering for use during your financial literacy lessons.
In the Classroom
Discover the many ready-to-go, free resources that go with these free lesson plans for use with all students, not just English language learners. Include this site on your class web page for students and parents to access as a reference when discussing financial issues at home. Use the calculators found on the site as part of any financial unit or as a math problem solving lesson. Oh, and by-the-way, students will also practice listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills!
At Home
Use this resource together to review and reinforce concepts about managing finances. Use the budget builder calculator with your teen to create and maintain a reasonable budget that fits his/her finances.