Federal Student Aid

Creator: US Department of Education | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

Sometimes it’s best to go straight to the source. The US Department of Education offers advice, information, and links for those searching for financial aid to attend post-secondary education. Not a fancy site, but all the relevant information is there: defining the kinds of financial aid, applying for financial aid, comparing financial aid offers from colleges, and understanding the repayment process. There is also a link to the new "College Scorecard" site that provides more guidance in comparing the potential financial costs of different colleges. In addition, there are several infographics and videos (which link to YouTube) that provide important overviews in each of the broad categories covered on the site. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

While this is certainly a good site for students and families to consult from home, it would also be useful as an authentic resource for lessons in financial literacy, career and college planning, and life planning. At the very least, a great bookmark to publicize or add to classroom computers. Be sure to share this link on your class website.

At Home

If it’s been a long time since you went to college (and admit it, it has been), the financial aid landscape has changed dramatically. This site will be helpful in understanding the current system, and how to navigate it. Start early! Middle school is not too soon to start to understand how you and your student can plan so that a college education is affordable and accessible.


financial literacy, financial aid, college, careers,


Careers & Guidance, Economics, Math, Parent Information, Social Studies, Social Studies,