Decoding Cancer

Creator: Discovery Education | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Decoding Cancer brings cancer research to the high school classroom. The site includes many standards-based interactive lessons applying knowledge in genetics, pathology, and more. Find a Cancer Treatment Virtual Lab for students to learn how to order tests and treatments for cancer patients. Decoding Cancer also features career profiles introducing students to health-care professions and an extensive glossary featuring doctor and scientist’s terminology.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free lesson plans (provided in PowerPoint format) and interactives for use when teaching genetics, health, or biology lessons. Be sure to share this site with students interested in medical careers and gifted learners. After learning about cancer, have students create a multimedia presentation using Beautiful.AI, <a href="/single.cfm?id=18390">reviewed here</a>. Challenge students to share their findings on cancer treatments and research. Sign up for Decoding Cancer to receive updates and notification of new site additions.

At Home

Share Decoding Cancer with your student who is interested in medicine or research. After exploring the topics on the site, consider reaching out to a cancer expert in your community for a personal visit to learn more about a career in this field. This site also contains tools for parents to discuss cancer with their children, take advantage of this information for use with your family.


medicine, genetics, human body,


Biology/Life Science, Science,