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Grade Range: 8 - 11
This short article (also available in Spanish) points out the dangers of driving after drinking alcohol. In addition to sharing legal repercussions from driving while under the influence, the author touches upon the effect of alcohol on decision making skills. This article also includes links to several resources and organizations to find additional information.
In the Classroom
Use this article to introduce any unit on alcohol or the dangers of driving while impaired. This information would be perfect to share before major social events such as prom or homecoming dances when student exposure to alcohol is common. After sharing this article, create a simple infographic sharing their findings using, <a href="/single.cfm?id=13619">reviewed here</a>. Invite a guest speaker into your classroom such as a police officer or community member that has seen the consequences of drunk driving to discuss the effects this has on individuals.
At Home
Use this article as a starting point to discuss the dangers of driving under the influence with your teen before social events such as proms. Point out the legal consequences as well as the long-term dangers to health and well-being.
drugs and alcohol, difficult conversations,