Cool Kid Facts

Creator: CoolKidFacts | visit site

Grade Range: K - 6

Visit Cool Kid Facts to find information for just about anything in this world or even <i>out</i> of this world! Select from Geography, History, Science, Animals, and Human Body. There are also topics in the right menu on the home page that range from Albert Einstein to Volcanoes and nearly everything else you can think of (alphabetically) in between. There are articles, videos, pictures, and quizzes, too. The videos are from various outside sources and are hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, they may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Share this site with students on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) and show them all the different subjects available. Challenge students to find a topic about which they know nothing (or barely anything). This site will give them experience reading informational text on a topic they wonder about. Partner weaker readers with others who may be able to help them read the text-heavier articles. Have students read and research individually or in small groups taking notes using a simple graphic organizer from 25 Language Arts Graphic Organizers, <a href="/single.cfm?id=14252">reviewed here</a>. Use this opportunity to teach summarizing, and citing sources. Cool Kid Facts is a great tool to build background knowledge about all sorts of topics!

At Home

Create a bookmark on your family computer so your child or preteen can look up topics of interest at any time. Share time with your youngest by reading the information with them, possibly after watching a video about the topic and looking at the various images included with the article.


deserts, china, egypt, rome, italy, greek, australia, animals, earth, volcanoes, human body, magnetism, newton, mars, mexico, photosynthesis, rainforests, brain, heart, moon, sun, tornadoes, tsunamis,


Astronomy & Space, Biology/Life Science, English, ESL/ELL, Geometry, Health, History & Culture: Africa, History & Culture: Ancient, History & Culture: Europe, History & Culture: World, Information Literacy/Research, Language Arts, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, Special Education, Writing,