Creator: UsePencil, Inc | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
Commaful provides short stories and poetry presented in picture book style. Scroll through to find a story or choose from different categories including humor, poetry, and romance. After selecting a story, the content pops up in the form of a book with an image background. Click to continue reading, images change throughout the story. Share your original work by creating an account and following directions to upload content. <b>Note: Some stories contain inappropriate language and content. Be sure to preview material before sharing with students.</b>
In the Classroom
Share stories from this site with students as inspiration for creative writing and poetry projects. Be sure to preview all material before sharing with students. Enhance this learning experience before publishing student writing, by having peers provide collaborative feedback using FlipGrid, <a href="/single.cfm?id=17677">reviewed here</a>. Flipgrid allows students to record video discussions on any topic easily. When complete, have students publish their work using this site or Book Creator, <a href="/single.cfm?id=17988">reviewed here</a>. Book Creator offers tools for creating online books that include video, images, and audio recordings.
At Home
Share stories from this site with your son or daughter as examples of creative writing ideas or poetry. Be sure to preview all material before sharing with your student as some content includes inappropriate words.