Creator: Business Insider | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Find a new chart each day, based on real world events in different formats. Some days include more than one graph! The newer charts are shown first. Older charts are available on the site by following the "older" link. Topics vary from world news to sports to economics and more. There is a great variety of topics and chart types. When you click on the chart, a new page opens containing the chart and a description with difficult vocabulary underlined. Click on a word to learn the definition. You can also sign up to receive the daily chart by email.
In the Classroom
Share a daily chart on your interactive whiteboard or projector and have students recreate the chart into a different format (bar chart to pie chart or line graph). Have students use a tool such as Hohli <a href="/single.cfm?id=12501">reviewed here</a>. Ask students to analyze information included on the daily chart as a math journal entry. Create a class chart comparing student information to the daily chart provided. Use the daily chart as a class warm-up - discuss trends, information provided, information not included that might be useful, etc. Social Studies teachers may want to use the charts as a tie-in to current events. Reading teachers charged with teaching about charts as part of informational texts will find a treasure trove of examples here, especially as prep for BIG reading tests.
At Home
Keep your family up to date on current events by checking out this site!
financial literacy, sociology, infographics, cultures, data, charts and graphs, sports,
Current Events, Economics, Government/Civics: U.S, History & Culture: World, Math, Reading, Social Studies, Social Studies,