Bomb Sight - Mapping the World War 2 London Blitz

Creator: The Bomb Sight Project | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

Use web-mapping applications to display, explore, and search different bombing locations across London during the Blitz from July 10, 1940 through June 6, 1941. Click on any icon on the map to view the type of bomb, date recorded, and view images taken nearby during that time period. Zoom in and out. Many icons also include links to people’s stories relating to the area during the time of the bombings. Choose the <i>Explore London</i> option to select particular areas of London with additional information about bombing activity in that area.

In the Classroom

This site is perfect for use on an interactive whiteboard or projector during any World War 2 unit to visually display the impact of the Blitz on London. Make the Blitz more "real" to your students by sharing the stories and images as first person narratives (primary sources). Have students use Fakebook (<a href="/single.cfm?id=14197">reviewed here</a>) to create a "fake" page similar in style to Facebook about a resident of London during the time period. This would be a great way to help students understand why Britain came together so strongly during WWII, an experience that most students today cannot relate to.

At Home

Share this site with your student to supplement information taught in class about World War 2.


world war 2, england, hitler, churchill, maps,


Geography (US/World), History & Culture: Europe, History & Culture: World, Social Studies, Social Studies,