Beyond Traditional Math

Creator: Jen Smith | visit site

Grade Range: 1 - 6

Beyond Traditional Math is an interesting blog written by a fourth-grade teacher who was "appalled to be handed a math book in which all instruction was whole group." This inspired her mission to move beyond the traditional classroom model for teaching math. Informative articles discuss building strong classroom cultures through standards, writing clear learning targets, and discussions on classroom activities. Explore this blog to find many lesson ideas along with practical classroom tips for use throughout the year. The ideas are adaptable across several grade levels. Click on tags at the bottom of each blog post to find archives of posts about similar topics.

In the Classroom

Subscribe to this blog through email or follow on Facebook and Twitter to receive notification of blog updates. Use blog posts during professional development or brainstorming sessions to find and develop classroom lessons. Try these ideas to differentiate for all students. Click on the Common Core tag to see a strategy to get students to start showing their work! Share student-made math projects using Ourboox, <a href="/single.cfm?id=16998">reviewed here</a>. Ourboox creates beautiful page-flipping digital books in minutes, and you can embed video, music, animation, games, maps and more.

At Home

Follow this blog to find ideas for developing math concepts and a love of math with your child or teen. Have your son or daughter choose a day or tag word to explore. Click on the Common Core tag to see a strategy to get your student to start showing their work!


problem solving,


Geometry, Math, Professional,