Creator: AirTight Interactive | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
All My Tweets is an easy way to see the tweets of a certain user. The result of the search is a list of tweets through time. It loads a maximum of 3,200 tweets. Try entering teachersfirst in the search bar to see an example. Note: adults should preview results before using this tool with students, since unintended results may include inappropriate content.
In the Classroom
Use on an Interactive whiteboard or projector to introduce a class topic or follow current events. This site could be used for students to submit an assignment of their own tweets they did over a period of time. Or use this site during a presentation on how Twitter works, showing the information contained in a succession of tweets. Have students submit a record of tweets that show their learning over time. Follow a Twitter user who often shares resource links for a diary of resources that have been shared. Trace the tweets from the White House, any high profile political figure, or author over a period of time. Follow discussions about current events or new events in science or medicine. See <a href="">this list of tweeting authors</a> for some possibilities.
At Home
Trace the tweets of your student to show their involvement on Twitter over time. Follow discussions from political figures, authors, or current events over a period of time. Great information to discuss at the dinner table with your student.
English, Language Arts, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, Writing,