
Creator: Mainland High School | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

<i>AlgebraLAB</i> highlights the connection between algebra (and many other math subjects) and science. Although this website may appear as an in-depth informational algebra site, there is A LOT more to explore! <i>AlgebraLAB</i> includes 10+ links to various topics: Lessons, Practice, Careers (how Algebra and science are used in countless careers), Directions (offers insight on how to use this site), Word Problems, Study Aids, a Glossary, and several others. Many activities are interactive. This site requires Windows Media Player. You can get it from the <a href="/tools.cfm ">TeachersFirst Toolbox page.</a>

In the Classroom

This informational site is a MUST HAVE in any secondary math class. Be certain to save this site in your favorites. The site highlights countless algebra topics (and other math areas). Share the information on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Share the link on your class website so students can access the site both in and out of the classroom. Have cooperative learning groups explore one of the topics presented at the lessons or activities link. Have the groups create a video to share what they learned. Share the videos on your interactive whiteboard or projector using a tool such as <a href=" /single.cfm?id=9419">TeacherTube (explained here)</a>. Differentiate! You can easily find extension activities for your more-able students to do while you reinforce the basics with others.

At Home

If your secondary student is looking for some enrichment, advancement, or support in any of the math areas, be sure to check out this HUGE site together.


calculators, coordinates, equations, vectors, calculators, coordinates, equations, vectors,


Algebra, Geometry, Math, Science,