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Grade Range: 6 - 11
This is a privately maintained website dedicated to the warfare of the Spartans, with a specific focus on the Battle of Thermopylae. Clicking battle-related topics on the grid of possibilities opens longer menus with subtopics. The site has extensive text passages and includes ads. There are good photos of the battlefield today, pictures and descriptions of the combatants, and information about the battle. Site creators have notified TeachersFirst to tell us that they are expanding materials on the Battle of Marathon in time for its 2500th anniversary. Teachers of literature, teaching about Greek mythology may also want to tie in this site as part of a look at Greek culture. The movie "300" may generate some interest in this famous battle and having the facts is useful in bridging students’ interest in Hollywood’s depiction of the event with the historical truth.
In the Classroom
Include this site as one of the resources you offer from your teacher website for students doing individual or group projects on Sparta, the Greeks, or mythology. The site offers some useful research information and some good visuals. rn
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English, Language Arts, Social Studies, Social Studies, History & Culture: World,