
Creator: Playfield Institute | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

This site, designed in Scotland, is primarily for use by adults who have concerns about the behavior or emotional well being of children and teens. There are many topics full of helpful advice and ways to respond to encourage children and young people’s emotional wellbeing. Find A-Z topics on the right side of the top menu; they include everything from Anger and Anxiety, Depression/Low Mood, to Temper Tantrums. All topics include additional resource links and a few have video clips and activities. This site could also be useful for a high school health class, psychology class, or child development course. The site also offers "Anxiety Resource for education staff" and "Virtual workshop for parents and carer." The site is notable for its straightforward and non-judgmental tone.

In the Classroom

Consider sharing the video clips (relevant to your class) on an interactive whiteboard or projector. In health (or psychology) class have students investigate one topic and present their findings to the class in a multimedia format: wiki, blog, podcast, or video. Extend learning by having students create a podcast using Podomatic, <a href="/single.cfm?id=8094">reviewed here</a>. They might even role-play some of the scenarios. Some may rather create a video (choice is good), share the videos using a site such as Teachertube, <a href=" /single.cfm?id=9419"> reviewed here</a>.rn<br><br>rnWhile this site might be useful as a resource for a high school health, psychology, or child development class, its main benefit is for teachers, parents, and other adults who care for and work with children and teens. Consider adding this link to your class web page as a resource for parents or sharing specific ideas with parents at conferences.

At Home

Parents will find calm, direct, information about everything from tics to anxiety, to self injury and sexual behavior on this site. Suggestions for action are clear and concrete.


mental health, behavior,


Careers & Guidance, Health, Parent Information, Professional,