
Creator: | visit site

Grade Range: 2 - 8

Explore vocabulary and word activities related to vacations on this extensive site for vocabulary, roots, and more. Find interactive vocabulary activities the same list of using vacation vocabulary words. There are printable crosswords, fill in the blanks and more, all using the same theme words. This and other "themes" available on the site will make vocabulary development fun.

In the Classroom

Share the puzzles on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Have students work with a partner to try out the puzzles on their own. Have students (or groups) create their own word puzzles to share as a class challenge as a student-run interactive whiteboard activity or share them on a class wiki.

At Home

Help make new vocabulary fun by trying some of these word puzzles together.


back to school, vocabulary,


English, Geography (US/World), Language Arts, Social Studies, Social Studies,