Discover Primary Science

Creator: Forfas | visit site

Grade Range: - 6

Come to this site to view animation videos, practice online science activities, and learn about science at this interesting site. The videos bring many important science topics alive, including the physics of motion, structures, and more. Examples of movies include "Cleaning Dirty Water," "Exploring Lungs," or "Bouncy Custard Balls." Topics vary from pollution to the human body to levers to making homemade bouncy balls! Print Activity sheets that correspond to the movies as Adobe pdf documents.

In the Classroom

View the movies to gain background information and learn basics. With older students flip your class and have them view the movies at home using Vizia, <a href="/single.cfm?id=17848">reviewed here</a>. With Vizia you can add questions and quizzes to videos, saving class time for discussions and questions. Share the interactives and video clips on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Use related lab activities or research to to reinforce the topics with hands-on experiences.

At Home

Use the movies to answer questions that students naturally have.


structures, pollution, human body, heart,


Biology/Life Science, Chemistry, Physics, Science,