
Creator: BBC | visit site

Grade Range: 2 - 6

The park manager at <i>Park Wise</i> needs your help! She will give you exact percentages for different features of the park (grass, water, playground, etc..) and your job is to design the correct park using her requested percentages. Are you up to the challenge? Scroll to the bottom of this page to find the activity! You can try this activity repeatedly, as new requests are provided each time. Be warned, the challenges get more difficult as you go! Some of the requests are in decimal format rather than percentages.rn<br><br>rnThis site also includes an online quiz and a reference link <i>Revision Bite</i>. The entire interactive is embeddable by copying/pasting the "code" into your class web page or wiki. The site requires Flash. You can get it from the <a href="/tools.cfm ">TeachersFirst Toolbox page.</a>

In the Classroom

Share this site with your students on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Use the <i>Revision Bite<i> as an anticipatory set for a lesson about percentages or decimals. Then use the activities and online quiz as enhancements to your lesson (or even AS the lesson). The site is ready to go, easy to follow, educational, and simple for both teachers and students to use. Why not have students work in groups and create their own interactive percentage or decimal activities using PowerPoint (plus graphics), creating a blog, or even creating their own educational videos on YouTube or <a href=" /single.cfm?id=9419">TeacherTube (explained here)</a>. rn<br><br>rnProvide this link in your class newsletter or on your class website so students can practice math, percentages, and decimals at home. </a></i></i></a></i></i>

At Home

Use this site to help your student "visualize" decimals and percentages.


addition, decimals, percent, subtraction,

