Creator: Daniel Scocco, et. al. | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Discover a simple, yet sophisticated blog about all things related to writing. The information is presented as text only (nothing visual or slick), but it is helpful, especially as a reference or guide to improving your writing. The variety of tips offered is perfect whether you need help or are simply curious. The list in the left column offers the archived articles on everything from business writing, fiction writing, and writing basics to misused words, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This is a great site for information both students and adults can use in their writing.
In the Classroom
Focus on the topics that repeatedly occur in a student’s writing by sharing a link to the topic they need most right now. The Misused Words and Expressions sections are especially helpful for explaining how to correct for cliches, etc. As always, the timing of seeing the tip matters most. Share it when you see the problem. Encourage students doing peer editing or collaborative revision to use this site and find the tip to help a classmate when something "sounds funny." That way every writer in your class can become an expert in supporting other writers, not just you, the writing guru/teacher! While learning centers are generally considered an elementary tool, they can be exciting and valuable for secondary students as well. Use sections of this site as the focus for different writing centers. The links from this site can help students move through areas where they are having difficulty and enjoy the process of interaction as well. Have them create a clever writing tip video or a quick podcast about the tip that resonated with them personally. Try Spreaker, <a href="/single.cfm?id=13641">reviewed here</a>. rnCollect links to the tip videos or podcasts on a class writing wiki. Teachers will also find this reference useful as a writer of graduate papers or newsletters for parents.
At Home
Mark this one in Favorites for ALL the writers in your house. The writing tips on this site are a great reference for your teen and allow him/her to learn independently. Don’t be surprised to hear your teen correcting YOUR writing or word choice mistakes! Learn and improve together.
spelling, creative writing, expository writing, process writing, punctuation, grammar,