Creator: Toni Sant | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
An unusual site, this resource should be approached with care, but is worth listing for the interactiveness and uniqueness of it. It is a self-professed "resource for those who use theatre techniques for other or more than arts or entertainment purposes, and for those whose theatre styles incorporate other than traditional presentation styles." All of the links appear to work and provide a WIDE variety of activities and viewpoints. The caution comes in some of those links which can direct students to inappropriate sites for school. <b>Please preview first.</b><br> <br>rnThe top of each site will give you a brief overview and then there is a row of book sources that you can purchase (clicking on them will take you to Amazon). Scroll down past those for the wealth of the site.
In the Classroom
Setting up for a direct link to one of the main areas like History of Theatre will allow your students a veritable feast of areas to choose from. They can look from ancient Greek theatre to marionette puppets to magic-lantern shows. Theatre in Education and WWW Resources and Links are also very useful to the classroom teacher.rnrn<br> <br>If you teach Humanities, Radical Theatre is a good source for some of the epic, theatre of the absurd, and Guerrilla Girls art.rn<b>Steer away from Drama Therapy, Hacktivism, and Psychodrama.</b>
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