Newz Crew

Creator: Global Kids, Inc. | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

This site serves as a launching pad for "newz crews": on line discussion groups focused on current events. The discussion groups (which students can join individually or as a class group with teacher oversight) are facilitated by a group of high school students with regular prompts to read a current events article and discuss its implications.

In the Classroom

While you could certainly pass along information about this site to your students to use individually, it would also serve as a great class project. Each discussion "crew" is slated to last only about a month, so there is no long term commitment. Teachers who register their own class groups can monitor the discussions their students are having as a way to ensure participation. While students may prefer their own social networking sites, this site can incorporate that technology into an educationally relevant activity. This site may be particularly helpful for getting more introverted students "talking."

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