Research 101

Creator: University of Washington | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Research 101 is an interactive online tutorial for students needing an introduction to research skills. The tutorial covers the basics, including how to select a topic and develop research questions, as well as how to select, search for, find, and evaluate information sources. This site teaches kids HOW to research so it works with ANY subject matter.Teaching kids how to research and the differences between kinds of sources can be challenging. This site makes it a little easier for you and simpler and more fun for them!

In the Classroom

What is terrific about this site is its interactive capability-- so you can introduce it on a projector or whiteboard at the beginning of class, then let them continue by themselves as you go around and check on individual issues. After each section there is a "review quiz" that students can take right there and get their score immediately. Require them to raise a hand to report a score--or they risk a zero! <br> <br> This site is a must for your teacher web page during research season.

At Home

Have a child struggling to start a research project? This site will help your teenager get started without a battle with you.




English, Information Literacy/Research, Language Arts, Reading, Study Skills,