Creator: Defra | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
This is an online simulation game focuses on sustainable fishing. Students can manipulate variables (numbers of fishing boats, catch quotas) and see how those changes affect both the bottom line and the environment. Each change results in a year’s worth of data (up to 15 year’s worth), and then reactions from different stakeholders. The game can be played as one or as a group.
In the Classroom
The game could be helpful in showing students that "success" in a business that affects the environment can be measured in a number of ways: cash flow, environmental impact, community support. The game could be played cooperatively by groups of students on an interactive whiteboard, or could be played individually by students. Since it’s available on-line, students could be instructed to play the game at home or during study halls and then be prepared to share their individual data in group discussion. Requires FLASH!
At Home
financial literacy, resources, fish, environment,
Biology/Life Science, Economics, History & Culture: World, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies,