Creator: Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Much more than a biographical resource, this site is filled with interactive treasures and multimedia features. Click on "Online Exhibition" to access a wealth of visual treats and activities. Set type and print your name on an 18th century printing press, listen to the wisdom of Silence Dogood, or test your knowledge of classic Franklin proverbs and aphorisms. This is an outstanding tribute to the legacy of one of America’s most beloved founding fathers.
In the Classroom
Beyond the items mentioned in the review, this site has a variety of free lesson plans offered for grades k-12. They also list several programs and free resources that can help teachers find more information about Franklin.
At Home
colonial america, franklin, colonial america, franklin, colonial america,
Social Studies, Social Studies, Social Studies, Social Studies, American History, Government/Civics: U.S,