World City

Creator: Museum of London | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

If Victorian literature or history is part of your curriculum, don’t miss this site that features a rather impressive virtual stroll through a gallery of recreated Victorian businesses. You can browse through the shops and offices, peek through windows, and explore back street craftsmen’s workshops. Read More links provide visitors with additional background and social context. Add this site to a study of Dickens and 19th century England.

In the Classroom

Use this site as the starting point for individual or group projects. There is a ton of information here that can be used for research projects or papers! You can also use the Victorian Virtual Walk on the interactive whiteboard or projector to show students what the typical Victorian street was like. This would be a great resource for a World or European history class.

At Home


victorian, england, britain,


English, History & Culture: Europe, History & Culture: World, Language Arts, Social Studies, Social Studies,