What was the exchange Rate Then?

Creator: Economic History Service | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Add a little bit of economic reality to a 20th century American history lesson. Just choose a country and year, and this site will provide exchange rate data between the United State dollar and foreign currency. Changes in currency units for countries throughout the world and links to related resources are included.

In the Classroom

Use this site as an aid for discussing the price differences and comparisons between todays world and now. This information would be great when discussing early American history, when most books and colonizers make reference to British currency. Teachers can either translate the currency before class, or can have students complete it as an in-class activity. One way to do so would be to find a primary document or textbook article that mentions the severity of a tax on the 13 colonies. Have students complete the calculator to find out what colonists were really paying in comparison to what British-bound citizens were paying. use this to spur a discussion that then pro’s and con’s how severe taxes were and whether they were ample reason to revolt against Great Britiain.

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Economics, Economics, Social Studies, Social Studies, Social Studies, Social Studies, American History,