
Creator: Ze Frank | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Use the mouse to create a simple line drawing. Click the "Done Drawing" button and watch it morph into a very different kind of masterpiece! Experiment with the settings to produce variations. Tour the gallery to see what others have created. A fun and unique alternative to tradition pen and ink sketches!

In the Classroom

Save this site in your favorites on your class computers. Allow students to create their own designs in the "scribbler," and use those drawings as inspiration for an art project. Encourage recreating the scribble in other mediums, or even trying to sketch their own. In a language arts class, allow students to create poems or short rhymes in the scribbler. The graphic addition makes the poems a very interesting display, and is a different take on an old assignment! Due to the spider-web quality of the designs, scribbler poems would be perfect around Halloween.

At Home


drawing, drawing,

