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Grade Range: 8 - 11
Though archived, this Web companion to the Norton Anthology of English Literature is still accessible and is an entertaining and revealing resource for understanding the society and culture behind the literature! Texts and contexts, discussion questions, Web resources, and illustrations are provided for each era of English literature from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century; a review section includes online multiple-choice quizzes. Audio readings in Old English and Middle English provide a unique opportunity for students to hear and experience the evolution of the English language. Definitely a content-rich but high level Language Arts resource. RealPlayer required.
In the Classroom
Use the multiple choice quizzes in each section as review tools for students before an assessment. Students cam complete them in learning centers that are designed to help them study, or in a competitive manner in cooperative learning groups. Be sure to post the site on your teacher wiki or webpage, allowing students to study from the quizzes and summaries both in and out of the classroom. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the <a href="/content/wiki/">TeachersFirst’s Wiki Walk-Through</a>.
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