Creator: Cambridge University | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
Those interested in Sir Winston Churchill will find this site’s offerings more than ample. An online biography and chronology will probably be most helpful, but there are also links to various collections of Churchill’s papers, and also to several online features designed for use in British schools. Americans will likely find these materials most relevant to a unit on World War II.
In the Classroom
What a cool way to bring some personality to the characters that often seem too stoic to be human. Use the primary sources on this site during an introductory activity about the characters predominantly studied in WWII. Show students some of the materials over the interactive whiteboard or projector during a lecture on Churchill, Stalin and Truman.
At Home
britain, churchill, england, britain, world war 2,
Social Studies, Social Studies, History & Culture: World, History & Culture: Europe,