English Literature – the Seventeenth Century

Creator: Luminarium | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

The Luminarium site provides a very nice collection of 17th century English literature, including poetry, in full-text. There is also biographical information on major authors, as well as a collection of web links for each author. We could do without the musical introductions, but they don’t detract from the quality of this information.

In the Classroom

Use this site as a learning center or station during a unit on this time period within a Language Arts or Social Studies class. Create a "scavenger hunt" through the site, guiding students through the various authors and statesman that had lasting impact on literature. We recommend using a graphic organizer to guide students through the site, using a tool such as Mindomo, (<a href="/single.cfm?id=8178">reviewed here</a>).

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literature, poetry, literature, poetry,


English, Language Arts,