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Grade Range: 8 - 11
Learn about food, feasting, and other historic culinary items on this site with these medieval and Renaissance European recipes. All recipes have been adapted for the 21st century kitchen. This site also has a link to their YouTube channel. If this content interests you, besure to check out the menu on the left for other cultures and times.
In the Classroom
If you and your students are studying the medieval and/or Renaissance period of time this is a nice addition to engage student interest. Think about having individuals, pairs, or small groups of students choose a recipe to create at home. Then ask them to photograph the steps in making the dish and the final product. Enhance learning by having students use the Free Online Photo Editor, <a href="/single.cfm?id=18341">reviewed here</a>, to label and put borders around the photos. Extend learning by having students put their photos into a class recipe book using Ourboox, <a href="/single.cfm?id=16998">reviewed here</a>.
At Home
Try out some of these recipes when your student is studying the medieval or Renaissance time in history.
cooking, renaissance, medieval, shakespeare,
English, History & Culture: Europe, Language Arts, Social Studies, Social Studies,