Watergate - The Washington Post

Creator: Washington Post | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

The Washington Post offers a 25-year retrospective from the newspaper that broke the story. The site includes archival materials, interviews with the principals, and links to other official and unofficial resources. No discussion of Watergate should omit the Post’s involvement and perspective.

In the Classroom

Use portions of this site for a jigsaw activity, allowing students to teach each other about the different events in Watergate as well as the various perspectives. Put students into groups of 4, with each group focusing on a different portion on Watergate covered in the Post site. Have each group study their portion in depth, eventually creating a presentation that would allow them to teach the content to their peers. After students have prepared, split up the groups, creating at least 4 new groups, with every member representing a different perspective of coverage. Have the students teach their group members - making sure to be in chronological order. Activities like the Jigsaw model are a great way to both get students interested and allow for more autonomy. To finish it up, have the class take a quiz on the material - graded or not - to insure that students are accountable for actually teaching their peers something.

At Home

Bookmark this site for your student’s papers and projects on the Watergate Scandal.




American History, Social Studies, Social Studies,