Ecosystem Explorer

Creator: PBS LearningMedia | visit site

Grade Range: 3 - 8

Use this collection of videos, activities, and infographics to delve deep into the ecosystems of vultures, wolves, and sharks. Use the videos to introduce the ecosystems and discover the complicated relationship between animals and humans. Play through the interactives to discover more about the ecology and conservation of the worlds of these magnificent animals. The PBS series "EARTH A New Wild" inspired this resource. Click to Launch the interactive and choose one of the three worlds. Control the sound with the controls along the top. In each screen, view any of the materials including the interactives by clicking on the colored dots.

In the Classroom

Use this as an introductory activity into ecology. Students can work together on the same animals or have a group work together at exploring all three. Identify some similarities or differences between the needs and environments of all three animals. Use an online tool such as Interactive Three-Circle Venn Diagram, <a href="/single.cfm?id=15690">reviewed here</a>, to help with the comparison. Identify some common issues with conservation, interaction with humans, and other issues facing these animals today. Extend the discussion with a student project, researching other organisms found within any of these three environments.

At Home

Following news stories (especially of shark encounters), use this interactive to learn more about the science and ecology of these magnificent animals.


habitats, ecosystems, ecology, animal homes, animals,


Biology/Life Science, Science,