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Grade Range: 8 - 11
Take the "Google Yourself" Challenge to find out what others may learn about you by searching the Internet. This infographic provides information on personal online sharing such as the number of people with phone numbers, birth dates, photos, and other information readily available online. Take the challenge and search for your name on Google to find what personal information you have online. Find what others with your name may have online and may get confused with you. Learn also who may be looking you up on search engines and why this is important to know.
In the Classroom
Share this infographic on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) and discuss with students as part of online safety lessons and digital citizenship. Include this site on your class web page for students and parents to access as a reference. Have students complete the challenge as an informative exercise before completing college applications.
At Home
Share and discuss this infographic with your student as part of your ongoing discussions about online safety and digital citizenship. Have your student Google themselves before completing college applications to understand what colleges may find out about them.
digital citizenship, internet safety, infographics,