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Grade Range: 1 - 6
Marvin and Milo demonstrate a simple physics experiment through cartoons, offering a new experiment each month. Try activities such as the Fork Balancer or Cloud in a Glass following the easy step by step directions. In addition to the cartoon, each activity includes a list of materials, instructions, and results and explanations. Use the drop-down menu to view countless past experiments.
In the Classroom
Bookmark this site as an excellent resource for science experiments. Engage students and extend their knowledge with the activities from the site for science fair projects. If you are lucky enough to have a parent helper in your classroom, allow them to come in and complete experiments with your students each month using ideas found on the site. Challenge students to complete experiments at home and share results with the class. Have students create videos using FlexClip, <a href="/single.cfm?id=18589">reviewed here</a>, and share the experiment and results using a tool such as SchoolTube, <a href="/single.cfm?id=9437">reviewed here</a>.
At Home
Use ideas from Marvin and Milo to perform science experiments at home with your student. Have a monthly Science Night as a great way to explore science together! Explore possible science fair projects with your son or daughter.
comics and cartoons, experiments, science fairs,