Creator: David McClure | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Take a deeper look into the Declaration of Independence and the signers with this unique interactive. The interactive has three main parts: a high-resolution scan of The Declaration of Independence with a full transcription of text, an annotated version of John Trumbull’s painting of the signing, and an interactive map plotting the signer’s hometowns and giving a mini biography. Use buttons on the site to move between the three portions. Be sure to view the instructions for a complete overview of all of the interactive offers.
In the Classroom
Challenge students to find other paintings depicting famous events in United States (or another country). Have cooperative learning groups create a multimedia presentation about the paintings. Create fictitious blog entries from one character in a painting to another character within another painting at another famous event. What would John F. Kennedy write to Benjamin Franklin? Assign students different roles, i.e. founding fathers, and have them use the biographies on this site to allow them to research what their role was and what their beliefs were for a debate as to whether or not to sign the Declaration of Independence.
At Home
Share this interactive with your student as an interesting way to learn about the signers of The Declaration of Independence.
franklin, jefferson, declaration of independence, american revolution,
American History, Government/Civics: U.S, History & Culture: The Americas, Social Studies, Social Studies,