Creator: Dustin A. Cable | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Get a snapshot of America using this visualization of the geographic distribution, population density, and racial diversity of the American people. The map represents every neighborhood in the United States. Each dot represents one person residing in the United States at the location during the count of the 2010 Census. Each ethnicity is represented by a different color dot. Zoom in and out as needed.
In the Classroom
Discuss the cultural, political, economic, or geographic principles that affect the distribution of the dots on the map. Create blog posts, wiki edits, or other projects students can create to identify the reasons over time for the distribution in the map. The information gathered from this site might also be helpful in talking about regional and local political representation during election years. The opportunities for critical thinking abound with this site. Begin by asking, "Why does it look like this?"
At Home
Explore the diversity of America with your son or daughter. Can you find your hometown? What other places "look" similar? Why?
American History, Current Events, Geography (US/World), Government/Civics: U.S, History & Culture: The Americas, Social Studies, Social Studies,