
Creator: Tweetedtimes | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Create a personalized newspaper from your Twitter account or for any topic of interest. Connect this site easily with your Twitter account and generate a newspaper in minutes. View the newspapers of your Twitter friends or popular newspapers from other Twitter users. New to Twitter? Learn more from TeachersFirst’s <a href="/spectopics/twitterforteachers.cfm">Twitter for Teachers</a> page.

In the Classroom

Use Tweeted Times to showcase your own Professional Development over time. Create and share a newspaper from a class or teacher Twitter account as a summary of content learned. Create a newspaper to use for real world learning in any subject (see Thematic newspapers). Share a newspaper of your class tweets with parents (and school administration) to show what students have learned and to highlight the value of Twitter in the classroom. Students can create a newspaper using their own Twitter account to document their learning and conversations. Be sure to use TeachersFirst’s review of <a href="/single.cfm?id=11537">Twitter</a> for great classroom ideas.

At Home

Does your teen (or you) love to Tweet? Why not create a personalized newspaper using your Twitter accounts? Create a newspaper to use for real world learning in any subject (see Thematic newspapers). Or create a personalized newspaper highlighting your "year in review."


communication, twitter, social networking, digital storytelling, newspapers,


English, Language Arts, Math, Professional, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, TeachersFirst Edge, Writing,